Your contribution to the ministry of God is to reveal the manifest heart of God for His people. You are instrumental in people hearing God’s heart for the very first time and showing them how they too can hear God’s voice as a birthright of their salvation. You have a unique gifting that is essential to the ministry of God.

Here is Hayley Braun of Bethel Church discussing the role of a Prophet within the fivefold ministry.


  • You cannot standby while there is injustice.

  • You are compelled to help the needy, broken and oppressed.

  • You are easily distracted by what seems like random thoughts, ideas, words and pictures.

  • You occasionally have vivid dreams.

  • You have a strong feeling for whether something is from God or not.

  • You believe life can is about choses and you can choose your destiny.

  • You frequently get gut feelings and are usually right about your opinions.

  • You can feel, understand and relate to God’s heart for people when you pray for them.

  • You are particularly encouraging and discerning.

  • When you read, God puts situations, people and specific examples into your heart.

  • You can distinguish between what is from God and what is not from God.

Without you

  • People do not hear God.

  • People have no intimacy with God.

  • People attribute the works of satan to God.

The Vision for the Prophet

  • Every person can know God’s heart for them. Every person can be able to hear God’s voice for themselves.

As you dream, pray and plan, ask yourselves these questions:

  • How do we best accomplish helping people discover what God’s heart for them is?

  • How can we best awaken people to hear the voice of God?

  • How do we help, walk alongside, and direct people to encountering God’s voice on a regular basis?

**This description is an excerpt from